I've taken the same route to the Post Office and back hundreds (yes, hundreds) of times so why do I always take my camera hoping to see something different? I am blessed with optimism and sometimes it stands me in good stead. On the way back it started to drizzle and the midges were painfully annoying but, not wanting to go home with an empty SD card I started shooting my way home. These are my midge and drizzle defying efforts.
We have a quaint street in our town of Lerwick. It is the main shopping thoroughfare. Some of the buildings are of decades old stonework and some have a modern touch all serving to make the town interesting. Throughout the town there is also this mix of beautiful old stone built houses and nearer the outskirts are newer modern ones. Visitors from all over the world who come here seem to l like it. On days when cruise liners visit (around 70 this year) there are cameras of all kinds pointing in every direction. This year, one of the cruise liners was the largest we'd ever had visiting. The ''MSC Meraviglia'' whose passengers and that of another cruise liner which visited on the same day totalled over 5,000 almost doubling the population of Lerwick. The following photos were taken yesterday on a more normal day in town.
In the opposite direction to the apocalyptic scene is my favourite beach at Meal, Hamnavoe. The sun shining on the sea gets me every time.
The clouds in Shetland were phenomenal today. I ran the curser down some presets in Lightroom and accidentally pressed on a Light Leaks one. I wouldn't have added this preset on purpose but I thought the result was quite spectacular so decided to keep it. I hope the folks of Hamnavoe are ready. 😃
Plenty of these Yellow Iris leaves to be found growing in the marshy places in Shetland. We used to play with them when we were young - making them into boats and sailing them down a stream if one was close. (You can google Iris leaf boats). We also put a blade between our thumbs and blew into the edge to make a horrid screeching noise. Exciting times. 😃 Sometimes you find some wool on legs among them.....
Author: Mwa!I hope you like what I bring here from the Shetland Islands. It will not only be landscapes but other images I hope you will find enjoyable. Thank you! Some images I have so far made available to purchase on