Today was one of THOSE days. I had a meeting which I didn't want to go to and was so stressed about it that I had no desire to use my camera which was, as usual, hanging around my neck. I thought the flower park would help to cheer me on but it was so windy there was no chance of snapping individual flowers. I was just about to leave the park when my eyes saw this scene. My immediate though was 'might as well'. Oh, the enthusiasm! But I did and when I looked on the computer at home I was very happy with it. Goes to show you don't always have to be in the mood for something to be able to do it.
A few weeks back we began to see this darling cat walking around the town, traipsing in and out shops and generally sleeping anywhere he liked. It turns out he is a very well looked after feline who likes to do his own thing. Some shops put him out while others let him sleep even in their display window. He's so popular now that he has his own Facebook Page 'The Adventures of Tommy'. No chance of this fellow getting lost as most folks know him by now.
Author: Mwa!I hope you like what I bring here from the Shetland Islands. It will not only be landscapes but other images I hope you will find enjoyable. Thank you! Some images I have so far made available to purchase on