What a day of wind and rain. I went out as far as the garden wall and took some photos as I want to be a weather watcher for BBC TV. The photos didn't really show the force of the weather so I kept them to myself. Gave the squabbling starlings a bit of an arty look.
4 10 19: Update to this post. I've changed my mind about being a WW for the BBC. The fact that they didn't respond to my queries helped the decision immensely. Click on images to enlarge.
.....there was another sunset. This time it was a bit hazy and not the bright sun of the previous evening and the island of Foula was concealed behind a bank of mist. But we must be grateful for any sunset that graces our islands.
A beautiful September day today and ended with a lovely sunset which I caught as it dipped down over the island of Foula. Hoping for another couple of days like this. The forecast says yes.
Author: Mwa!I hope you like what I bring here from the Shetland Islands. It will not only be landscapes but other images I hope you will find enjoyable. Thank you! Some images I have so far made available to purchase on