We love our surprise weather especially when it occurs in a cold March month. Where else could we go but Meal Beach, Burra.
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How can a photo go wrong with a face like this! He just sits and stares and makes shots so easy. Bless his little stripey socks.
Clicking on each image will open it in a lightbox. I do, and I'm so fortunate to have them. The starling's feathers take on an iridescent glow on sunny days. The little chaffinch is gorgeous too and is a rare visitor to my garden. 'Robbie' robin blesses me by coming every day for a few months of the year.
Click on images to open in a lightbox. A lovely day when my daughter, came to pick me up. A few miles on to Minn Beach, Burra and it was bucketing rain. Why waste a good run, though? Victoria walked along gathering little pebbles while I shot in black and white, continually having to clear rain from the lens.
Oh, and I took my recently perfectly organised, lift and go, camera rucksack with me. It was so easy to manage. Forgot the tripod and the memory card, though. 😂 Victoria reminded me there was a spare card in the car. What a wonderful daughter, chauffeur and problem solver she is. Click on images to enlarge. I was enjoying a nice Sunday morning bath and heard a knock at the door. My nephew, Gordon, had come to take me photo shooting. "I thought I would surprise you", he said. Well, he certainly did and you should have seen me move. Not a bad speed for an older person. I'm blessed with an abundance of energy. I didn't quite take enough time to think of all the filters, etc. I would need but I was in a rush to get going so packed the necessary basics and it turned out to be enough. Gordon would have waited for me had I taken longer. We went places I hadn't even seen in my 68 years in Shetland. Gordon is so much fun. Patient, helpful, wonderful sense of humour and just great to be with. Below is a few of the photos including one I took of him. He's relatively new to photography (three years behind the lens) and has leapt forward exponentially in that short time. I'm giving you a link to his website and you will be astounded by what you see. Click here We travelled through Sand, Skeld, Culswick and Reawick. Below is the dedicated man himself: Click on large images to open in lightbox. Smaller photos will enlarge when clicked. You will find old red phone boxes in most areas of Shetland. I hope they are never removed even if they are not in use. They're a great point of interest to locals and visitors. Some have rust running down the glass and others have age tattered directories. Old cottages and ruins are to be found all over Shetland. Some cottages have been turned into visitor accommodation. Many ruins provide shelter for sheep in winter. Hentilagets is the name given to the wool which drops off sheep or gets tangled onto wire fences etc. when sheep rub against them. Sometimes you just have to stop and take a photo of a cutie..... .....or a pair of yellow wellies. Finally at the end of our journey we stopped at Reawick Beach. Gordon took to the beach for slow shutter images and I looked to the sky. We had a really great time and I can't wait to see Gordon's photos. Because I missed taking a particular lens and some filters I was forced into realising that a thorough re-organising of my camera bag was essential so that, at any moment, it will always be ready to lift and go. Here's to an organised photography trip. That's a new thing for me. 😀
Author: Mwa!I hope you like what I bring here from the Shetland Islands. It will not only be landscapes but other images I hope you will find enjoyable. Thank you! Some images I have so far made available to purchase on