Your love unwrapped me.
A shabby abandoned package. Destitute. Held together With the string of hopelessness. No one knew what was inside Not even me. Each day becoming more Unattractive and irrelevant. Soiled with compassionless disdain. Showers of scorn and negativity Soaking into my soul. Oh, how many uncherished gifts Lie forsaken in the mire! Thrown aside by a world Craving only beauty And perfection. With desperate pleas I cried out to You And in that instant You heard me. Your hand plucked me From the gutter You looked at me through eyes of love, Seeing all that others couldn't. Gently, with caring whispers of affirmation, You unloosed my binding. Undoing all my fears, Anxiety Unworthiness Pain And doubt. You told me I was loved, That I was beautiful. Appreciated Relevant Unique And best of all, You told me That I belonged to You. That I was... A gift fit for a King. ©Anne Macdonald
Praise is the best protection for your heart and mind. The enemy can't find your heart when it's hidden in heavenly places. Archives
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